Welcoming Statement
from WFCS Holocaust Museum
Director Connie Davies

On behalf of Pastors Sam and Jane Whaley, along with the Staff and Students at the Word of Faith Christian School, and our volunteer Museum staff, we want to welcome you to the Word of Faith Christian School Holocaust Museum in Forest City, North Carolina. We are here because God has given us a mandate to stand with the Jewish people. To do so we must never forget the hardships they have endured throughout history, and to realize the obligation we have in the 21st century to obey God in these end times as we see Biblical prophecy unfold.
The events that have taken place since October 7, 2023, remind us that hatred for the Jewish people is on the rise once again. Seemingly a somewhat dormant threat in recent years, we now see an international display of spiritual and actual warfare against the Jewish people. But, we as Christians are experiencing an onslaught of persecution in much the same way. Our church and Christian school have been the subject of much persecution, judicial prosecutions, lies, media slanders and identity targeting that follows anyone who seeks to live godly and holy. We understand the spiritual attacks of the enemy, Satan, as the scriptures warn from Genesis to Revelation. Revelation 12:11 says:
“Woe to you, oh earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in fierce anger (fury) because he knows he has [only] a short time [left]! (Amplied Bible)
As all of God’s people, and many innocent victims, face potential threats and attacks in this our day, God commands that we not sit idly by and say or do nothing. We, at the Word of Faith Fellowship, the Word of Faith Christian School and the WFCS Holocaust Museum have a heartfelt conviction that we are to stand strong and use our God-given right to speak out against the ruthless attacks of the devil; to do our part to advocate for truth and righteousness.
Proverbs 24:12 says.
“If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Deliver those who are drawn away unto death, and those who totter to the slaughter, hold them back [from their doom]. If you [profess ignorance and] say, Behold, we did not know this, does not He Who weighs and ponders the heart perceive and consider it? And He Who guards your life, does not He know it? And shall He not render to [you and] every man according to his works?
How appropriate is this scripture, in light of the events of the Holocaust, when few people said or did anything to help the Jews and those who were persecuted, or even killed? We will not be counted among those who are silent and remain inactive. You will see by our website and by our Museum, should you come for a visit, that we have been actively involved for decades in Holocaust education, to speak the truth and to stand in solidarity with our Jewish brothers and sisters, not ashamed of the gospel and determined to follow God’s lead in the mission He has called us to. We welcome you to explore our website and plan a visit to our Holocaust Museum in Forest City, North Carolina. We hope your experience with us will change your life as you seek God concerning His direction in the days ahead. God richly bless each and every one of you!