Creating the Museum

At the Word of Faith Fellowship and the Word of Faith Christian School, we strongly stand with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people as mandated by God in the scriptures. God says in Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse.” For decades, we have made close associations with our Jewish brothers and sisters in the United States and abroad, understanding the persecution they have endured for thousands of years. In 2001, we became very interested in the history of the Holocaust when we as a church began to experience persecution in our own community in Western North Carolina.
Around the same time in 2001 the Word of Faith Christian School was invited by Congressman Charles Taylor to participate in a pilot program with the Library of Congress called the Adventures of the American Mind. Our teachers were taught how to access primary source documents made available through the Library of Congress by way of the internet. We began an in-depth study of Holocaust history that led us to three additional online resources: Yad Vashem in Israel, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, and the Auschwitz Museum in Poland. Ours teachers and staff began to develop a school wide project involving every class in the Christian School; kindergarten through twelfth grade. Students were required to choose a subject, event or person of the Holocaust and to complete a four-component project involving personal research, a written paper, an oral presentation and an art project.
Depending on individual skills and desires God placed on their hearts, students chose a variety of art mediums to work with: oil paints, acrylic, pastel chalk, pencil drawing, pen and ink. Some students chose to do scale models of building and architectural structures. Some of our young girls wanted to sew archival clothing items. Many students chose to use modeling clay. The options were varied and each student, along with parents and teachers, coordinated efforts to create and construct projects that turned out amazingly beautiful! Our students had no natural ability of their own. They learned to cry out to God for His help, and the end results surpassed our expectations. Each of them will attest that God helped them with the planning and execution of their individual projects; some of which were a team effort. Regardless of the particulars of each project, the students were inspired by God and our Museum reflects His creative hand through the work of children who were raised to trust and rely on God.
At the time, we had no plans to create a Holocaust Museum, but as God began to lead, we realized that God had a purpose beyond educating our students; He gave us a ministry to the Jewish people to express our love and support, and to bring them comfort as God commands in Isaiah 40:1: “Comfort, comfort My people, says your God.” Initially the Museum was housed in our Christian School. However, after several years we outgrew the school and frequent visitors made regular school operations a bit challenging. In 2013, God provided a home for our Holocaust Museum which has allowed us to display the art, welcome visitors and hold group tours. Since our move to the Shiloh Road location, we have had archival items donated to our Museum which has added another dimension to our overall exhibition. Our many Holocaust survivor videos acquired over the years is also adding to the beauty and interest of our Holocaust Museum; an asset that is irreplaceable with the loss of survivors whom we once held as our dear friends.
The Word of Faith Christian School Holocaust Museum stands as a testament to our faithful dedication for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. Every piece of art in the Holocaust exhibit is handpicked and chosen to bear witness to the history and truthful evidence of the Holocaust and to honor the Jewish people who endured such bitter opposition and violence. We invite you to view our website and to come visit us at 247 Shiloh Road in Forest City, North Carolina! We know you will be blessed, because as one Rabbi once said, we not only have the history of the Holocaust, we express God’s heart! We welcome you!